Experts in the design and manufacture of hydrology and environmental monitoring instrumentation

30 Years of Delivering Quality
Aqua Data Systems Ltd was originally incorporated in 1988 by Alexander Gavrilovic, a well-known and very highly respected British hydrologist at that time
About Aqua Data
Aqua Data Systems Ltd was originally incorporated in 1988 by Alexander Gavrilovic, a well-known and very highly respected British hydrologist who at that time was particularly interested in electromagnetic technology for measuring flow in rivers, streams and sewers.
Back then, the technology was very basic and cumbersome to use, and Alexander’s aim was to develop an easy-to-use system.
He set up offices in Lyneham, Wiltshire, UK and went on to develop the Sensa RC1 electromagnetic velocity meter.
This was the company’s first current meter, and was technically very advanced for its time. However it proved very expensive to manufacture and sales were very limited.

Sensa RC2
A new version, the Sensa RC2 was developed, and these were starting to be successfully sold.
However, the high costs of developing the RC2 created financial problems, and another company Aqua Data Services Ltd, was created to continue the work.
The Sensa RC2 was the main product and proved popular worldwide, with many hundreds of units being sold.
New product development continued organically, resulting in the design of multi-probe units and 3-axis units.
Quantum Dynamics
In 1992 Bryan Johnson from Quantum Dynamics was invited to collaborate with Aqua Data Systems on new designs, and in 1993 Alexander asked Bryan to take over as Managing Director, due to ill health.
Bryan made a real success of this company and within a year won some good contracts, including the Central Water Commission (CWC) and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in India.
They also appointed new agents in several countries, including South Korea and Canada.
During this period Alexander’s health deteriorated further and he sadly passed away.
In May 2009 all the shares of Aqua Data Systems were transferred to Quantum Dynamics. Bryan continued to run the Aqua Data business successfully until his retirement.

Control Developments Acquires Aqua Data
In 2015, Aqua Data was acquired by Control Developments Ltd, who recognised the excellent designs and great potential for growing the business, and embarked on an ambitious programme to develop the most advanced electromagnetic velocity meters in the world.
This culminated in the successful launch of the flagship product, the RC3 ‘Fluvia’ and the lower cost RC4 ‘FloStick’.
Aqua Data Ltd remains a wholly-owned subsidiary of Control Developments, and is developing other velocity meters and turbidity instruments due to be released soon.